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18 items found in collection [showing 1 - 18]
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Surface and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Responses to Diurnal Variations of Sea Surface Temperature in an NWP Model
Surface and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Responses to Diurnal Variations of Sea Surface Temperature in an NWP Model
Analysis and Prediction of Integrated Kinetic Energy in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Analysis and Prediction of Integrated Kinetic Energy in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Development of New Techniques for Assimilating Satellite Altimetry Data into Ocean          Models
Development of New Techniques for Assimilating Satellite Altimetry Data into Ocean Models
Wave and Wind Direction Effects on Ocean Surface Emissivity Measurements in High Wind Conditions
Wave and Wind Direction Effects on Ocean Surface Emissivity Measurements in High Wind Conditions
Antarctic Coastal Current in the Bellingshausen Sea
Antarctic Coastal Current in the Bellingshausen Sea
Origin of the North Atlantic Clod Blob Revisited
Origin of the North Atlantic Clod Blob Revisited
Local Cooling Despite Global Warming
Local Cooling Despite Global Warming
Dissipation of Mesoscale Energy by Vortex-Topography Interaction
Dissipation of Mesoscale Energy by Vortex-Topography Interaction
Sea-Ice, Clouds and Atmospheric Conditions in the Arctic and Their Interactions as Derived from a Merged C3M Data Product
Sea-Ice, Clouds and Atmospheric Conditions in the Arctic and Their Interactions as Derived from a Merged C3M Data Product
Generation of Cold Core Filaments and Eddies Through Baroclinic Instability on a Continental Shelf
Generation of Cold Core Filaments and Eddies Through Baroclinic Instability on a Continental Shelf
Topographic Effects on Wind Driven Oceanic Circulation
Topographic Effects on Wind Driven Oceanic Circulation
Observational Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Diurnal Cycles in the Tropical Atlantic
Observational Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Diurnal Cycles in the Tropical Atlantic
Spatio-Temporal Evolutions of Non-Orthogonal Equatorial Wave Modes Derived from Observations
Spatio-Temporal Evolutions of Non-Orthogonal Equatorial Wave Modes Derived from Observations
Effects of Finite Amplitude Bottom Topography on Ocean Variability
Effects of Finite Amplitude Bottom Topography on Ocean Variability
ENSO Variability in a Changing Climate
ENSO Variability in a Changing Climate
Important Contributing Factors for Estimating the Active and Total Whitecap Coverage Globally Using Satellite-Derived Parameters
Important Contributing Factors for Estimating the Active and Total Whitecap Coverage Globally Using Satellite-Derived Parameters
New Dynamical Explanation for the Abrupt Temperature Rise in the Beginning of the Holocene
New Dynamical Explanation for the Abrupt Temperature Rise in the Beginning of the Holocene
Analysis of the Impacts of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Local and Large Scale Environment
Analysis of the Impacts of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Local and Large Scale Environment