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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Turbulent Dissipation in the Mid-Latitude Mixed Layer/Thermocline Transition Layer
Turbulent Dissipation in the Mid-Latitude Mixed Layer/Thermocline Transition Layer
Surface Heating and Restratification of the Ocean after a Tropical Cyclone
Surface Heating and Restratification of the Ocean after a Tropical Cyclone
Impact of Airborne Dust on Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals
Impact of Airborne Dust on Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Tropical Diurnal Warming of Sea Surface          Temperatures
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Tropical Diurnal Warming of Sea Surface Temperatures
Seasonal Turbulence Variability on the Continental Shelf
Seasonal Turbulence Variability on the Continental Shelf
Impact of Marine Cold-Air Outbreaks on the Rate of Oceanic Heat Storage in the Gulf of Mexico
Impact of Marine Cold-Air Outbreaks on the Rate of Oceanic Heat Storage in the Gulf of Mexico
Evaluation of Surface Heat Flux Uncertainties and Their Impacts on the Study of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variability
Evaluation of Surface Heat Flux Uncertainties and Their Impacts on the Study of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variability
Effects of a Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature on Atmospheric Variability and Surface Fluxes
Effects of a Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature on Atmospheric Variability and Surface Fluxes
Characterization of Preconditioning for Ocean Deep Convection in the Sea of          Japan
Characterization of Preconditioning for Ocean Deep Convection in the Sea of Japan