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24 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 24]
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Prison Experiences, Social Ties, and Inmate Behavior
Prison Experiences, Social Ties, and Inmate Behavior
Social Isolation and Inmate Behavior
Social Isolation and Inmate Behavior
Self-Control Theory and Nonlinear Effects on Offending
Self-Control Theory and Nonlinear Effects on Offending
Incarceration Heterogeneity and its Implications for Assessing the Effectiveness of Imprisonment on Recidivism
Incarceration Heterogeneity and its Implications for Assessing the Effectiveness of Imprisonment on Recidivism
Examining Prison Effects on Recidivism
Examining Prison Effects on Recidivism
Prison Visitation and Recidivism
Prison Visitation and Recidivism
In Prison and Far From Home
In Prison and Far From Home
Recidivism and Time Served in Prison
Recidivism and Time Served in Prison
U.S. Prisoner Reentry Health Care Policy in International Perspective
U.S. Prisoner Reentry Health Care Policy in International Perspective
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Juvenile Court Sanctions
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Juvenile Court Sanctions
effectiveness of prison for reducing drug offender recidivism
effectiveness of prison for reducing drug offender recidivism
Solitary Confinement as Punishment
Solitary Confinement as Punishment
Progressively Tougher Sanctioning and Recidivism
Progressively Tougher Sanctioning and Recidivism
Social Exclusion and Parental Incarceration Impacts on Adolescents’ Networks and School Engagement
Social Exclusion and Parental Incarceration Impacts on Adolescents’ Networks and School Engagement
What is the effect of IQ on offending?
What is the effect of IQ on offending?
Offending and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Criminal Justice
Offending and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Criminal Justice
Who Gets Visited In Prison? Individual- And Community-level Disparities In Inmate Visitation Experiences
Who Gets Visited In Prison? Individual- And Community-level Disparities In Inmate Visitation Experiences
‘True’ Juvenile Offender
‘True’ Juvenile Offender
Path of Least Desistance
Path of Least Desistance
Race, Ethnic, and Gender Divides in Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention
Race, Ethnic, and Gender Divides in Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention
Does Inmate Behavior Affect Post-Release Offending?
Does Inmate Behavior Affect Post-Release Offending?
Assessing the Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions
Assessing the Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions
Gender Differences in the Effects of Prison on Recidivism
Gender Differences in the Effects of Prison on Recidivism
Spatial Distance, Community Disadvantage, and Racial and Ethnic Variation in Prison Inmate Access to Social Ties
Spatial Distance, Community Disadvantage, and Racial and Ethnic Variation in Prison Inmate Access to Social Ties