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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Comparison of Reading Growth and Outcomes of Kindergarten Students with Cognitive Impairments to Their Typical Peers
Comparison of Reading Growth and Outcomes of Kindergarten Students with Cognitive Impairments to Their Typical Peers
Acquisition of Alphabetic Knowledge
Acquisition of Alphabetic Knowledge
Examination of Gene X Socioeconomic Status Interactions for Reading Achievement
Examination of Gene X Socioeconomic Status Interactions for Reading Achievement
Effects of Kindergarten Entrance Age on Children's Reading and Mathematics          Achievement from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Effects of Kindergarten Entrance Age on Children's Reading and Mathematics Achievement from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Impact of Dialect Use, Executive Functioning, and Metalinguistic Awareness on Dialect Awareness
Impact of Dialect Use, Executive Functioning, and Metalinguistic Awareness on Dialect Awareness