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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
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Modified JMA ENSO Index and Its Improvements to ENSO Classification
Modified JMA ENSO Index and Its Improvements to ENSO Classification
Developing Statistical Guidance for Afternoon Lightning Activity in Portions of Two          South Florida Counties
Developing Statistical Guidance for Afternoon Lightning Activity in Portions of Two South Florida Counties
Hurricane Surface Wind Model for Risk Management
Hurricane Surface Wind Model for Risk Management
Dynamics of the Wind Field Expansion Associated with Extratropically Transitioning          Tropical Cyclones
Dynamics of the Wind Field Expansion Associated with Extratropically Transitioning Tropical Cyclones
Forecast Skill of the NCEP GFS Model in the Southern Hemisphere Stratosphere in 2006
Forecast Skill of the NCEP GFS Model in the Southern Hemisphere Stratosphere in 2006
Diagnostic Study of the Effects of Trough Interactions on Tropical Cyclone QPF
Diagnostic Study of the Effects of Trough Interactions on Tropical Cyclone QPF
Warm Season Lightning Distributions over the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast and Their Relation to the Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale Environments
Warm Season Lightning Distributions over the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast and Their Relation to the Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale Environments
Quikscat-Derived Near-Surface Vorticity during Tropical Cyclogenesis
Quikscat-Derived Near-Surface Vorticity during Tropical Cyclogenesis
Skill of Synthetic Superensemble Hurricane Forecasts for the Canadian Maritime          Provinces
Skill of Synthetic Superensemble Hurricane Forecasts for the Canadian Maritime Provinces
Evolution of the Organization of Convection and Scale Interactions during Hurricane          Genesis
Evolution of the Organization of Convection and Scale Interactions during Hurricane Genesis
Effects of a Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature on Atmospheric Variability and Surface Fluxes
Effects of a Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature on Atmospheric Variability and Surface Fluxes
Chemical and Meteorological Analysis of Long-Range Transport from Africa during Austral Spring
Chemical and Meteorological Analysis of Long-Range Transport from Africa during Austral Spring
Global and Regional Diagnostic Comparison of Air-Sea Flux Parameterizations during Episodic Events
Global and Regional Diagnostic Comparison of Air-Sea Flux Parameterizations during Episodic Events
Uncertainty in Scatterometer-Derived Vorticity
Uncertainty in Scatterometer-Derived Vorticity
Using Airborne Doppler Radar Data to Examine Eyewall Angular Momentum Budgets
Using Airborne Doppler Radar Data to Examine Eyewall Angular Momentum Budgets