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Be Your Body's Friend
Be Your Body's Friend
Racial Identity and Mindfulness as Predictors of Post-Traumatic Growth in Black Adults Experiencing Race-Based Trauma
Racial Identity and Mindfulness as Predictors of Post-Traumatic Growth in Black Adults Experiencing Race-Based Trauma
Exploring Parents' Perception of Stress Related to Challenging Behaviors in School-Age Boys with ASDS
Exploring Parents' Perception of Stress Related to Challenging Behaviors in School-Age Boys with ASDS
Association between Social Support and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Refugees
Association between Social Support and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Refugees
Diagnostic Validity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in College Students
Diagnostic Validity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in College Students
Mindfulness as a Protective Factor for the Relationship Between Self-Injury and Suicide
Mindfulness as a Protective Factor for the Relationship Between Self-Injury and Suicide
Emotional Intelligence in Professional Psychology Doctoral Students
Emotional Intelligence in Professional Psychology Doctoral Students
Career Adaptability, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Athletic Identity among College Student Athletes
Career Adaptability, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Athletic Identity among College Student Athletes
Relationship between Childhood Abuse, Social Support, and Recidivism among Women in          Prison
Relationship between Childhood Abuse, Social Support, and Recidivism among Women in Prison
Incremental Validity of the Barkley Deficits in Executive Function Scale and Cognitive Tests of Executive Function on ADHD Symptoms and Impairments in College Students
Incremental Validity of the Barkley Deficits in Executive Function Scale and Cognitive Tests of Executive Function on ADHD Symptoms and Impairments in College Students
Relations between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Psychological Well-Being
Relations between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Psychological Well-Being
Attitude Change Among Undergraduate Rehabilitation Interns
Attitude Change Among Undergraduate Rehabilitation Interns
Barriers to Help-Seeking for Self-Harm
Barriers to Help-Seeking for Self-Harm
Examining the Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment, Dysfunctional Career Thinking, and Career Adaptability
Examining the Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment, Dysfunctional Career Thinking, and Career Adaptability
College Career Courses and Vocational Identity Achievment
College Career Courses and Vocational Identity Achievment
Relationships Between Career Interests and Personality Characteristics Among African American Women on Welfare
Relationships Between Career Interests and Personality Characteristics Among African American Women on Welfare
Impact of Perceived Person-Organization Fit, Internship Satisfaction, and Personality Traits on Commitment to Teaching and Intention to Quit of Pre-Service Teacher Interns
Impact of Perceived Person-Organization Fit, Internship Satisfaction, and Personality Traits on Commitment to Teaching and Intention to Quit of Pre-Service Teacher Interns
Impact of Perceived Social Support on Event Stressfulness, Core Beliefs Disruption, and Posttraumatic Growth in College Students
Impact of Perceived Social Support on Event Stressfulness, Core Beliefs Disruption, and Posttraumatic Growth in College Students
Role of Mindfulness and Acceptance on the Life Satisfaction of Gender, Racial, and Sexual Minorities
Role of Mindfulness and Acceptance on the Life Satisfaction of Gender, Racial, and Sexual Minorities
Do You Feel Confident Enough to Seek Help
Do You Feel Confident Enough to Seek Help
Relationships among Neuroticism Facets, Negative Career Thoughts, and Congruence in College Students
Relationships among Neuroticism Facets, Negative Career Thoughts, and Congruence in College Students