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30 items found in collection [showing 1 - 30]
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Beneficial Role of External Focus
Beneficial Role of External Focus
Responses to Perceived Effort in Children
Responses to Perceived Effort in Children
Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM)
Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM)
Dynamic Nature of the Emotion-Cognition Link in Trapshooting Performance
Dynamic Nature of the Emotion-Cognition Link in Trapshooting Performance
Functional Model of Team Leadership for Sport
Functional Model of Team Leadership for Sport
Examination of the Integrative Relationship Among the Factors of Achievement Goal          Theory and Self-Determination Theory
Examination of the Integrative Relationship Among the Factors of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory
International Student Athlete
International Student Athlete
Be a Performance Enhancement Consultant
Be a Performance Enhancement Consultant
Facilitation of Automaticity
Facilitation of Automaticity
Visual and Skill Effects on Soccer Passing
Visual and Skill Effects on Soccer Passing
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Coaches
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Coaches
Effects of Imagery on Perceived Exertion, Attention, and Exercise Adherence
Effects of Imagery on Perceived Exertion, Attention, and Exercise Adherence
Effects of Meta-Motivational Dominance Sensation Seeking on Performance under Pressure
Effects of Meta-Motivational Dominance Sensation Seeking on Performance under Pressure
Predicting Physical Activity in Former High School Athletes
Predicting Physical Activity in Former High School Athletes
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Game Reading Skills in Soccer
Game Reading Skills in Soccer
Singer's Five-Step Approach
Singer's Five-Step Approach
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Investigation into the Temporal Patterning of Performance Affectivity and Coping in the Performing Arts
Investigation into the Temporal Patterning of Performance Affectivity and Coping in the Performing Arts
Validation of the Spanish Version of the Gifted Rating Scales
Validation of the Spanish Version of the Gifted Rating Scales
Effect of Self-Talk on Attention Allocation, Perception of Effort, and Exercise Endurance
Effect of Self-Talk on Attention Allocation, Perception of Effort, and Exercise Endurance
Client Motivation, Working Alliance and the Use of Homework in Psychotherapy
Client Motivation, Working Alliance and the Use of Homework in Psychotherapy
Effects of Weight Control Practices on Mood, Loss Attribution, and Performance in Division I Collegiate Wrestlers
Effects of Weight Control Practices on Mood, Loss Attribution, and Performance in Division I Collegiate Wrestlers
Time Estimation Among Basketball Players
Time Estimation Among Basketball Players
Decision-Making and Reported Thought Processes Among Expert, Intermediate, and Novice Poker Players
Decision-Making and Reported Thought Processes Among Expert, Intermediate, and Novice Poker Players
Applied Golf Research
Applied Golf Research
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Effect of User Motives and Interactivity on Attitude Toward a Sport Website
Effect of User Motives and Interactivity on Attitude Toward a Sport Website
Evaluation of Yoga for the Reduction of Fall Risk Factors in Older Adults
Evaluation of Yoga for the Reduction of Fall Risk Factors in Older Adults