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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Untangling the Satellite Estimated Aerosol Indirect Effect
Untangling the Satellite Estimated Aerosol Indirect Effect
Stereoscopic Technique to Estimate Cloudtop Height Using Combined Geostationary and Low Earth Orbiting Satellites
Stereoscopic Technique to Estimate Cloudtop Height Using Combined Geostationary and Low Earth Orbiting Satellites
Ensemble-Mean Dynamics of Low-Frequency Variability and Cloud Temperature Profile Retrieval Using GPS RO Data
Ensemble-Mean Dynamics of Low-Frequency Variability and Cloud Temperature Profile Retrieval Using GPS RO Data
Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian View of the Global Atmospheric Mass Circulation
Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian View of the Global Atmospheric Mass Circulation
Attributing Contributions to the Seasonal Cycle of Anthropogenic Warming in a Simple          Radiative- Convective Global Energy Balance Model
Attributing Contributions to the Seasonal Cycle of Anthropogenic Warming in a Simple Radiative- Convective Global Energy Balance Model
Numerical Analysis of the First-Order Closure for Synoptic Eddy and Low-Frequency          Flow (Self)-Feedback
Numerical Analysis of the First-Order Closure for Synoptic Eddy and Low-Frequency Flow (Self)-Feedback
Objective Regional Cloud Mask Algorithm for GOES Infrared Imager with Regime-Dependent Thresholds for Direct Radiance Assmilation
Objective Regional Cloud Mask Algorithm for GOES Infrared Imager with Regime-Dependent Thresholds for Direct Radiance Assmilation
Observed Changes in the Atmospheric Surface Layer during Prescribed Agricultural Burns
Observed Changes in the Atmospheric Surface Layer during Prescribed Agricultural Burns
Evaluating the Aerosol First Indirect Effect Using Satellite Data
Evaluating the Aerosol First Indirect Effect Using Satellite Data
Assimilation of Hyperspectral Satellite Radiance Observations within Tropical Cyclones
Assimilation of Hyperspectral Satellite Radiance Observations within Tropical Cyclones
Polarization Signature in Micro-Wave Humidity Sounder Window Channels
Polarization Signature in Micro-Wave Humidity Sounder Window Channels
Analysis of the Impacts of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Local and Large Scale Environment
Analysis of the Impacts of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Local and Large Scale Environment