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35 items found in collection [showing 1 - 35]
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Developing Statistical Guidance for Afternoon Lightning Activity in Portions of Two          South Florida Counties
Developing Statistical Guidance for Afternoon Lightning Activity in Portions of Two South Florida Counties
Development and Evaluation of Mesoscale Lightning Threat Guidance for Operational Use at NWS Offices
Development and Evaluation of Mesoscale Lightning Threat Guidance for Operational Use at NWS Offices
Identifying Convective Transport of Carbon Monoxide Through the Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Observations and Cloud Modeling Simulations
Identifying Convective Transport of Carbon Monoxide Through the Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Observations and Cloud Modeling Simulations
Characteristics of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning
Characteristics of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning
Developing a Parameter for Forecasting Tornadoes in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
Developing a Parameter for Forecasting Tornadoes in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
Developing Statistical Guidance for Forecasting the Amount of Warm Season Afternoon and Evening Lightning in South Florida
Developing Statistical Guidance for Forecasting the Amount of Warm Season Afternoon and Evening Lightning in South Florida
Investigating the Use of Polarimetric Radar Data as Forecast Guidance for Lightning Cessation at Kennedy Space Center
Investigating the Use of Polarimetric Radar Data as Forecast Guidance for Lightning Cessation at Kennedy Space Center
Examining the Utility of ProbSevere for Predicting Pulse Severe Thunderstorms
Examining the Utility of ProbSevere for Predicting Pulse Severe Thunderstorms
Transport of Ship Emissions in the Strait of Malacca Using a High-Resolution WRF Simulation and Low-Resolution GDAS Data          Coupled with Hysplit
Transport of Ship Emissions in the Strait of Malacca Using a High-Resolution WRF Simulation and Low-Resolution GDAS Data Coupled with Hysplit
WRF Simulations of Water Vapor Content for TC Ingrid (September 2013)
WRF Simulations of Water Vapor Content for TC Ingrid (September 2013)
Determining the Characteristics of Anvil and Thunderstorm Lightning for Use in the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy          Space Center
Determining the Characteristics of Anvil and Thunderstorm Lightning for Use in the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center
Impact of Increasing the Resolution of Sea Surface Temperatures on a Numerical Model at Kennedy Space Center
Impact of Increasing the Resolution of Sea Surface Temperatures on a Numerical Model at Kennedy Space Center
Development of a Florida High-Resolution Multisensor Precipitation Dataset for 1996-2001 -- Quality Control and Verification
Development of a Florida High-Resolution Multisensor Precipitation Dataset for 1996-2001 -- Quality Control and Verification
Effects of Multi-Sensor Radar and Rain Gauge Data on Hydrologic Modeling in Relatively Flat Terrain
Effects of Multi-Sensor Radar and Rain Gauge Data on Hydrologic Modeling in Relatively Flat Terrain
Forecasting Lightning Cessation Using Data from a Network of Field Mills at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Forecasting Lightning Cessation Using Data from a Network of Field Mills at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Using a WRF Simulation to Examine Regions Where Convection Impacts the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone
Using a WRF Simulation to Examine Regions Where Convection Impacts the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone
Quantifying Simulated Deep Convective Transport and Its Sensitivity to Lightning Data Assimilation in a Supercell and Mesoscale Convective System
Quantifying Simulated Deep Convective Transport and Its Sensitivity to Lightning Data Assimilation in a Supercell and Mesoscale Convective System
Transport of Anthropogenic Emissions during ARCTAS-A
Transport of Anthropogenic Emissions during ARCTAS-A
Modeling Streamflow Using Gauge-Only versus Multi-Sensor Rainfall
Modeling Streamflow Using Gauge-Only versus Multi-Sensor Rainfall
Evaluating Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts from Four Global Numerical Models
Evaluating Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts from Four Global Numerical Models
Quasi-Lagrangian Sampling of Air Pollution by Aircraft during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B
Quasi-Lagrangian Sampling of Air Pollution by Aircraft during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B
Using Radar-Derived Parameters to Develop Probabilistic Guidance for Lightning Cessation within Isolated Convection near Cape Canaveral, Florida
Using Radar-Derived Parameters to Develop Probabilistic Guidance for Lightning Cessation within Isolated Convection near Cape Canaveral, Florida
Warm Season Lightning Distributions over the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast and Their Relation to the Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale Environments
Warm Season Lightning Distributions over the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast and Their Relation to the Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale Environments
Using Radar-Derived Parameters to Forecast Lightning Cessation for Nonisolated Storms
Using Radar-Derived Parameters to Forecast Lightning Cessation for Nonisolated Storms
Developing a Statistical Forecast Model for Initiating Lightning over West Texas and          New Mexico
Developing a Statistical Forecast Model for Initiating Lightning over West Texas and New Mexico
Evaluating Operational and Newly Developed Mesocyclone and Tornado Detection Algorithms          for Quasi-Linear Convective Systems
Evaluating Operational and Newly Developed Mesocyclone and Tornado Detection Algorithms for Quasi-Linear Convective Systems
Electric Potential Gradient Behavior under Shallow Cumulus Clouds Using Electric Field Mills and Cumulus Cloud Top Vertical Growth at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Electric Potential Gradient Behavior under Shallow Cumulus Clouds Using Electric Field Mills and Cumulus Cloud Top Vertical Growth at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Chemical and Meteorological Analysis of Long-Range Transport from Africa during Austral Spring
Chemical and Meteorological Analysis of Long-Range Transport from Africa during Austral Spring
Area- and Point-Based Verification of a New Multi-Hazard Severe Weather Index
Area- and Point-Based Verification of a New Multi-Hazard Severe Weather Index
Characteristics of Decaying Storms during Lightning Cessation at Kennedy Space Center          and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Characteristics of Decaying Storms during Lightning Cessation at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Characteristics and GFS Forecast Accuracy of Intraseasonal Shifts in the Arctic Oscillation Index
Characteristics and GFS Forecast Accuracy of Intraseasonal Shifts in the Arctic Oscillation Index
Evaluation of Carbon Monoxide Dispersion in Complex Terrain Using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model Driven by WRF Output
Evaluation of Carbon Monoxide Dispersion in Complex Terrain Using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model Driven by WRF Output
Unexplained Nocturnally Forming Lightning in the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station/Kennedy Space Center Area
Unexplained Nocturnally Forming Lightning in the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station/Kennedy Space Center Area
Structural and Environmental Characteristics of Non-Tropical Marine Miniature Supercells
Structural and Environmental Characteristics of Non-Tropical Marine Miniature Supercells
Intercomparison of Mean Areal Precipitation from Gauges and a Multisensor Procedure
Intercomparison of Mean Areal Precipitation from Gauges and a Multisensor Procedure