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17 items found in collection [showing 1 - 17]
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Asymptotically Preserving Method for Multiphase Flow
Asymptotically Preserving Method for Multiphase Flow
Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations for the Reflection and Transmission of Waves from Moving Material Interfaces
Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations for the Reflection and Transmission of Waves from Moving Material Interfaces
Adaptive Spectral Element Methods to Price American Options
Adaptive Spectral Element Methods to Price American Options
Automated Face Tracking and Recognition
Automated Face Tracking and Recognition
Content Markup Language Design Principles
Content Markup Language Design Principles
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram          Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Array Data Dependence Analysis with the Chains of Recurrences Algebra
Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Array Data Dependence Analysis with the Chains of Recurrences Algebra
Performance Driven Optimization Tuning in Vista
Performance Driven Optimization Tuning in Vista
Massively Parallel Algorithms for CFD Simulation and Optimization on Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures
Massively Parallel Algorithms for CFD Simulation and Optimization on Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures
Unified Compiler Framework for Program Analysis, Optimization, and Automatic Vectorization with Chains of Recurrences
Unified Compiler Framework for Program Analysis, Optimization, and Automatic Vectorization with Chains of Recurrences
Fast and Effective Solutions to the Phase Ordering Problem
Fast and Effective Solutions to the Phase Ordering Problem
Primitives and Schemes for Non-Atomic Information Authentication
Primitives and Schemes for Non-Atomic Information Authentication
Reducing the WCET of Applications on Low End Embedded Systems
Reducing the WCET of Applications on Low End Embedded Systems
Computational Aeroacoustics Cascade Model of Fan Noise
Computational Aeroacoustics Cascade Model of Fan Noise
Automatic Empirical Techniques for Developing Efficient MPI Collective Communication Routines
Automatic Empirical Techniques for Developing Efficient MPI Collective Communication Routines
Numerical Methods for Portfolio Risk Estimation
Numerical Methods for Portfolio Risk Estimation
Information Hiding
Information Hiding