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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Coercion Justified?
Coercion Justified?
Limits of Evidence Based Medicine and Its Application to Mental Health Evidence-Based Practice. (Part Two)
Limits of Evidence Based Medicine and Its Application to Mental Health Evidence-Based Practice. (Part Two)
Social Work and Coercion
Social Work and Coercion
Social Work Practice in the Real World
Social Work Practice in the Real World
Solving Problems in Everyday Living (SPIEL) Model
Solving Problems in Everyday Living (SPIEL) Model
Clinical Social Work and the Biomedical Industrial Complex
Clinical Social Work and the Biomedical Industrial Complex
Madness or Mental Illness?
Madness or Mental Illness?
Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)
Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)
Origins of Coercion in Assertive Community Treatment
Origins of Coercion in Assertive Community Treatment
Limits of Evidence Based Medicine and Its Application to Mental Health Evidence-Based Practice. (Part One)
Limits of Evidence Based Medicine and Its Application to Mental Health Evidence-Based Practice. (Part One)
Tautology and Coercion in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Tautology and Coercion in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)