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4 items found in collection [showing 1 - 4]
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WRF Simulations of Water Vapor Content for TC Ingrid (September 2013)
WRF Simulations of Water Vapor Content for TC Ingrid (September 2013)
Coupling Ocean Currents and Waves with Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream
Coupling Ocean Currents and Waves with Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream
Quantifying Simulated Deep Convective Transport and Its Sensitivity to Lightning Data Assimilation in a Supercell and Mesoscale Convective System
Quantifying Simulated Deep Convective Transport and Its Sensitivity to Lightning Data Assimilation in a Supercell and Mesoscale Convective System
Atmospheric Mercury Wet Deposition along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Atmospheric Mercury Wet Deposition along the Northern Gulf of Mexico