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Some of the material in is restricted to members of the community. By logging in, you may be able to gain additional access to certain collections or items. If you have questions about access or logging in, please use the form on the Contact Page.
An interactive model of bulimic symptom development, first suggested by Vohs et al. (1999), was tested in middle-aged women (mean age = 45.19). The hypothesis that women high in perfectionism, low in self-esteem, and who perceive...
The current study examines the effect that reading a list of warning signs for suicide has on beliefs about suicide. All participants read two sets of warning signs (with only the experimental group reading the suicide warning signs) and...
Joiner's (2005) theory suggests that there is a key difference between those who attempt and those who complete suicide. Although both attempters and completers have a desire for death, Joiner proposes that only those who complete...
The self-help literature avidly promotes the use of positive self-statements to boost self-esteem and mood; however, recent research provides evidence that positive self-statements may be harmful to people with low self-esteem. Prior...
The present study investigated the malleability and the roles of both physical pain tolerance and fearlessness about death in acquired capability for suicide utilizing experimental methods involving acetaminophen and a social learning...
The goal of the present study is to examine the construct validity of the Spanish translation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) - a self-report questionnaire assessing suicide relevant constructs. Translation occurred...
How Ethnic Identification Attitudes and Acculturative Stress Interact to Predict Suicide & Eating Disorder Symptomatology in Individuals of African Descent
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between culture and psychopathology to determine if proposed psychological risk factors (i.e., ethnic identification and acculturative stress) are predictive of several key mental...
To assess the construct validity of the endogenous subtype of depression, two studies examined the relation of mood regulation skill to the symptoms of endogenous depression versus hopelessness depression. It was hypothesized that the...
Within the framework of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, the acquired capability for suicide is viewed as the factor that differentiates individuals who die by suicide versus those who have the desire to die, but are...
In recent years, abnormalities in serotonin functioning have been detected in individuals with a variety of mental illnesses. One gene that helps regulate serotonergic function, the serotonin transporter gene, has been identified and...
The effect of perceived criticism from others is one potentially important risk factor for suicide that has received scant attention, despite decades of research on the role of criticism in the treatment and course of mental illnesses...
Variability and level of self-esteem have been associated with risk for depression, but the mechanisms behind this association have not been elaborated. The current study hypothesized that variable self-esteem would be associated with...
Impulsivity is often implicated as a factor that facilitates the transition from suicidal thoughts to behaviors; however, findings to date are mixed as to whether this effect is direct or indirect through an increased acquired capability...
Research has firmly established that children of divorce tend to divorce at a higher rate than the general population. The mechanism driving the intergenerational transmission of divorce, however, has not been firmly established. The two...
The current study examined whether intrasexual competition for career success may contribute to body dissatisfaction and worse eating attitudes among achievement oriented college-aged women. In order to examine this aim participants...
Eating disorders are particularly intractable psychological disorders that are proposed to result from a combination of genetic and sociocultural factors. Within the sociocultural model, internalization of the thin-ideal that is promoted...
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