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50 items found in collection [showing 1 - 50]
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Role of Memory in a Structural Priming Task
Role of Memory in a Structural Priming Task
Knowledge-Based Theory of Rising Scores on "Culture-Free" Tests
Knowledge-Based Theory of Rising Scores on "Culture-Free" Tests
Suggestibility to False Memories
Suggestibility to False Memories
Linguistic Alignment
Linguistic Alignment
Gustatory Processing of Linoleic Acid and the Role of the Chorda Tympani Nerve
Gustatory Processing of Linoleic Acid and the Role of the Chorda Tympani Nerve
Pupillary Response Predicts Multiple Object Tracking Load, Error Rate, and Conscientiousness, but Not Inattentional Blindness
Pupillary Response Predicts Multiple Object Tracking Load, Error Rate, and Conscientiousness, but Not Inattentional Blindness
Expert Performance Approach to Examining Factors Contributing to Academic Success in Organic Chemistry
Expert Performance Approach to Examining Factors Contributing to Academic Success in Organic Chemistry
Relationship Beween Rumination, Depression, and Aggression in Children
Relationship Beween Rumination, Depression, and Aggression in Children
Depression, Hippocampal Volume Changes, and Cognitive Decline over Time in a Clinical Sample of Older Depressed Outpatients and          Non Depressed Controls
Depression, Hippocampal Volume Changes, and Cognitive Decline over Time in a Clinical Sample of Older Depressed Outpatients and Non Depressed Controls
Brainstorming and Auditors' Fraud Risk Assessments in the Presence of Pressures and          Opportunties
Brainstorming and Auditors' Fraud Risk Assessments in the Presence of Pressures and Opportunties
Implications of Mating Motives for Social Contagion Concerns and the Avoidance of Lesbians and Gay Men
Implications of Mating Motives for Social Contagion Concerns and the Avoidance of Lesbians and Gay Men
Two Side-Effect Effects
Two Side-Effect Effects
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Reviewing Expert Chess Performance
Reviewing Expert Chess Performance
Issues of Intent & Injury
Issues of Intent & Injury
Cost of Seeking the Best
Cost of Seeking the Best
Development of the "Other-Race Effect" in Children's Face Recognition          Memory
Development of the "Other-Race Effect" in Children's Face Recognition Memory
Breaking the Soft Constraints?
Breaking the Soft Constraints?
Approaching Your Goal
Approaching Your Goal
Childhood Relational Aggression
Childhood Relational Aggression
Role of Pain and Provocation in Impulsivity and Suicide
Role of Pain and Provocation in Impulsivity and Suicide
Simulating Object Resolution during Language Comprehension
Simulating Object Resolution during Language Comprehension
Neural Recovery Following Partial Ablation Reveals Modular Organization of a Brain Region That Encodes Learned Vocal Patterns
Neural Recovery Following Partial Ablation Reveals Modular Organization of a Brain Region That Encodes Learned Vocal Patterns
Association Between Narcissism and Implicit Self-Esteem
Association Between Narcissism and Implicit Self-Esteem
Children's Response Styles and Risk for Depression and Anxiety
Children's Response Styles and Risk for Depression and Anxiety
Emotional Reactivity, Trait Affectivity, and Child Conduct Problems
Emotional Reactivity, Trait Affectivity, and Child Conduct Problems
Stress, Race, and APOE
Stress, Race, and APOE
Peri-Personal Space and the Representation of Quantity
Peri-Personal Space and the Representation of Quantity
Mating Cues and Declarative Memory
Mating Cues and Declarative Memory
Oxytocin Regulation of Social Buffering Following Stress
Oxytocin Regulation of Social Buffering Following Stress
Influence of Movement on the Directionality of Space-Time Representation Mappings
Influence of Movement on the Directionality of Space-Time Representation Mappings
Hormones and Social Affiliation
Hormones and Social Affiliation
Interaction Between the Reader and the Reading Situation
Interaction Between the Reader and the Reading Situation
Role of Selective Attention in Illusions of Social Acceptance and Aggression in          Children
Role of Selective Attention in Illusions of Social Acceptance and Aggression in Children
Self-Protective Biases in Group Categorization
Self-Protective Biases in Group Categorization
Juvenile Sexual Offenders
Juvenile Sexual Offenders
Age, Metamory, & Skill Acquisition
Age, Metamory, & Skill Acquisition
Parallel Word Processing during Reading &the Influence of Context
Parallel Word Processing during Reading &the Influence of Context
Role of Parafoveal Information in Rapid Letter Naming
Role of Parafoveal Information in Rapid Letter Naming
Studying from the Expert Performance Perspective
Studying from the Expert Performance Perspective
Accuracy of Regressions during Reading
Accuracy of Regressions during Reading
Psychophysical Assessment of the Role of the T1R2 and T1R3 Protein Subunits in Taste Responsiveness to Polycose and Putative T1R2+3 Taste Receptor Ligands
Psychophysical Assessment of the Role of the T1R2 and T1R3 Protein Subunits in Taste Responsiveness to Polycose and Putative T1R2+3 Taste Receptor Ligands
Self-Perceived Social Skills Deficits and Negative Life Events Interact to Predict the Onset of Bulimia Nervosa and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Self-Perceived Social Skills Deficits and Negative Life Events Interact to Predict the Onset of Bulimia Nervosa and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Model Human Processor and the Older Adult
Model Human Processor and the Older Adult
Role of Processing Strategy in the Cross-Race Effect
Role of Processing Strategy in the Cross-Race Effect
How Polite Behavior Limits Social Feedback and Contributes to Erroneous Self and Social Judgment
How Polite Behavior Limits Social Feedback and Contributes to Erroneous Self and Social Judgment
Can Motivation Increase Compensatory Effects of Alcohol Placebos on Cognitive Performance?
Can Motivation Increase Compensatory Effects of Alcohol Placebos on Cognitive Performance?
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in          Children with Autism
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in Children with Autism
Can Drinking Increase Response to Stress?
Can Drinking Increase Response to Stress?
Employing Protocol Analysis in the Study of Visual Interpretation of Functional          Analysis Data
Employing Protocol Analysis in the Study of Visual Interpretation of Functional Analysis Data