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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Jettisoning Legitimate Authority?
Jettisoning Legitimate Authority?
Anonymous Sovereign
Anonymous Sovereign
Ecological Assemblages
Ecological Assemblages
Narratives of Resistance in the Pastorates of Henry Highland Garnet and Christian Führer
Narratives of Resistance in the Pastorates of Henry Highland Garnet and Christian Führer
More than Discourse
More than Discourse
Soldiers of God
Soldiers of God
From Dogmatics to Liberal Theology and Religionswissenschaft
From Dogmatics to Liberal Theology and Religionswissenschaft
Ideological, Dystopic, and Antimythopoeic Formations of Masculinity in the Vietnam War Film
Ideological, Dystopic, and Antimythopoeic Formations of Masculinity in the Vietnam War Film
Hearing the Cry of the Oppressed
Hearing the Cry of the Oppressed