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19 items found in collection [showing 1 - 19]
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Effects of Pre-and Post-Exercise Intake of Performance Supplements on Body Composition, Muscle Isokinetic, Isometric, and Isotonic Strength and Power, and Mood in          Trained Men Following 6 Weeks of Resistance Training
Effects of Pre-and Post-Exercise Intake of Performance Supplements on Body Composition, Muscle Isokinetic, Isometric, and Isotonic Strength and Power, and Mood in Trained Men Following 6 Weeks of Resistance Training
Understanding the Role of Consumer Goodwill in Sponsorship
Understanding the Role of Consumer Goodwill in Sponsorship
Responses to Professional Sports Teams CSR Initiatives Following Natural Disaster
Responses to Professional Sports Teams CSR Initiatives Following Natural Disaster
Recruiting in College Sports
Recruiting in College Sports
Role of Mixed Emotions and Counterfactual Thinking in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction within the Spectator          Sport Context
Role of Mixed Emotions and Counterfactual Thinking in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction within the Spectator Sport Context
Effects of Four-Week Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Muscular Performance, Submaximal Oxygen Consumption, and Body Composition in Parkinson's Patients
Effects of Four-Week Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Muscular Performance, Submaximal Oxygen Consumption, and Body Composition in Parkinson's Patients
Examining the Relationship Between Employees' Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Identification
Examining the Relationship Between Employees' Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Identification
Innovation Diffusion in Major League Baseball
Innovation Diffusion in Major League Baseball
Effects of Time-off on Performance in the National Football League
Effects of Time-off on Performance in the National Football League
Influence of Perceived Shared Corporate Social Orientation of Employees and Volunteers with Sport Organizations on Attitudinal Outcomes
Influence of Perceived Shared Corporate Social Orientation of Employees and Volunteers with Sport Organizations on Attitudinal Outcomes
Sport Brand Community
Sport Brand Community
Single versus Multiple Team Sponsorship
Single versus Multiple Team Sponsorship
Assessing Sport Brand Equity Through Use of the Contingent Valuation Method
Assessing Sport Brand Equity Through Use of the Contingent Valuation Method
Best of N Contests
Best of N Contests
Eligibility in Flux
Eligibility in Flux
Effects of Pre-and Post-Exercise Consumption of Multi Ingredient Performance Supplements on Cardiovascular Health and Body Composition in Trained Men after Six          Weeks of Resistance Training
Effects of Pre-and Post-Exercise Consumption of Multi Ingredient Performance Supplements on Cardiovascular Health and Body Composition in Trained Men after Six Weeks of Resistance Training
Impact of Psychological State Incongruity on Sport Consumer Memory for Marketing Stimuli
Impact of Psychological State Incongruity on Sport Consumer Memory for Marketing Stimuli
Civic Paternalism in Political Policymaking
Civic Paternalism in Political Policymaking
Effects of Brand, Design, and Price on Intent to Purchase an Activity Tracker
Effects of Brand, Design, and Price on Intent to Purchase an Activity Tracker