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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Modeling Groundwater Flow in Karst Aquifers
Modeling Groundwater Flow in Karst Aquifers
Investigations of the Ecology of Calcareous Nannoplankton and Nannofossils in the North-East Gulf of Mexico to Help Establish a Baseline for Environmental Impact Studies
Investigations of the Ecology of Calcareous Nannoplankton and Nannofossils in the North-East Gulf of Mexico to Help Establish a Baseline for Environmental Impact Studies
Statistical Methods for Estimating the Denitrification Rate
Statistical Methods for Estimating the Denitrification Rate
Heavy Stable Isotope Investigations in Environmental Science and Archeology
Heavy Stable Isotope Investigations in Environmental Science and Archeology
Morphological Barrier Island Changes and Recovery of Dunes after Hurricane Dennis, St.          George Island, Florida
Morphological Barrier Island Changes and Recovery of Dunes after Hurricane Dennis, St. George Island, Florida
Uncertainty Analysis and Properties Scaling of Kinetics Uranium Sorption/Desorption in Contaminated Sediment
Uncertainty Analysis and Properties Scaling of Kinetics Uranium Sorption/Desorption in Contaminated Sediment
Quantifying and Differentiating Impacts of Climate Variation, Instream Modification, and Anthropogenic Land Use          Change on River Hydrological and Geomorphologic Processes
Quantifying and Differentiating Impacts of Climate Variation, Instream Modification, and Anthropogenic Land Use Change on River Hydrological and Geomorphologic Processes
Laboratory Analog Study of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in a Karst Aquifer with Conduit and Matrix Domains
Laboratory Analog Study of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in a Karst Aquifer with Conduit and Matrix Domains
Geostatistical Analysis of Sinkhole Occurrence Due to Increased Groundwater Pumping during Freeze Events in Plant City, Florida
Geostatistical Analysis of Sinkhole Occurrence Due to Increased Groundwater Pumping during Freeze Events in Plant City, Florida
Isotopic Composition of Mercury in the Atmosphere
Isotopic Composition of Mercury in the Atmosphere