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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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Leadership and the Politics-Administration Dichotomy
Leadership and the Politics-Administration Dichotomy
Competing Paradigms for Analyzing Policy Development in Everglades Restoration
Competing Paradigms for Analyzing Policy Development in Everglades Restoration
Decentralized Governments, Networks and Interlocal Cooperation in Public Goods          Supply
Decentralized Governments, Networks and Interlocal Cooperation in Public Goods Supply
Competing Values
Competing Values
Essays on Local Government Organization in the United States, 1940-2000
Essays on Local Government Organization in the United States, 1940-2000
Study of Local Government Delegation in Land Use Permitting
Study of Local Government Delegation in Land Use Permitting
Capacity Development and Leadership Challenges in the NGO Sector of Pakistan
Capacity Development and Leadership Challenges in the NGO Sector of Pakistan
Professionalism of Florida Senior Management Service and Selected Exempt Service Administrators
Professionalism of Florida Senior Management Service and Selected Exempt Service Administrators
Impacts of the Hollow State on Organizational Practices and Individual Attitudes in the Federal Government
Impacts of the Hollow State on Organizational Practices and Individual Attitudes in the Federal Government
Examination of the Impact of Revision 7 on Governance in the Florida State Courts System
Examination of the Impact of Revision 7 on Governance in the Florida State Courts System
Political Economy of Hospice Care
Political Economy of Hospice Care
It Strategy and Web-Based Transaction Technology in Small Organizations
It Strategy and Web-Based Transaction Technology in Small Organizations