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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Development of a Volume Element Model for Energy Systems Engineering and Integrative Thermodynamic Optimization
Development of a Volume Element Model for Energy Systems Engineering and Integrative Thermodynamic Optimization
Gulf Stream Separation Dynamics
Gulf Stream Separation Dynamics
Configuration Space Monte Carlo Algorithm for Solving the Nuclear Pairing Problem
Configuration Space Monte Carlo Algorithm for Solving the Nuclear Pairing Problem
Clustering in Light Nuclei with Configuration Interaction Approaches
Clustering in Light Nuclei with Configuration Interaction Approaches
Gas Propagation in a Liquid Helium Cooled Vacuum Tube Following a Sudden Vacuum Loss
Gas Propagation in a Liquid Helium Cooled Vacuum Tube Following a Sudden Vacuum Loss
Relativistic Mean Field Models for Finite Nuclei and Neutron Stars
Relativistic Mean Field Models for Finite Nuclei and Neutron Stars