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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
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Oxygen and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in Coastal Permeable Sediments
Oxygen and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in Coastal Permeable Sediments
Deep-Sea Faunal Investigations from Macrofaunal Abundance to Harpacticoid (Crustacea Analyses of          Harpacticoids
Deep-Sea Faunal Investigations from Macrofaunal Abundance to Harpacticoid (Crustacea Analyses of Harpacticoids
Effective Reduction of Methane Emissions from Landfills Using a Biocover Approach
Effective Reduction of Methane Emissions from Landfills Using a Biocover Approach
Molecular Characterization of a Microbial Community from Uranium-Contaminated Acidic Sediment
Molecular Characterization of a Microbial Community from Uranium-Contaminated Acidic Sediment
On Species' Boundaries in Zausodes-Complex Species
On Species' Boundaries in Zausodes-Complex Species
Dissipation Processes in the Tongue of the Ocean
Dissipation Processes in the Tongue of the Ocean
Aerosol Iron Solubility
Aerosol Iron Solubility
Microalgae to Biofuel
Microalgae to Biofuel
Influence of Sedimentary Gas Ebullition on Interfacial Transport in Permeable Marine Sands
Influence of Sedimentary Gas Ebullition on Interfacial Transport in Permeable Marine Sands
Effect Hypoxia Has on Feeding and Egg Production Rates of Acartia Tonsa Dana 1849          (Copepoda
Effect Hypoxia Has on Feeding and Egg Production Rates of Acartia Tonsa Dana 1849 (Copepoda
Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Factors Controlling Denitrification in Coastal and Continental Shelf Sediments of the Gulf of Mexico
Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Factors Controlling Denitrification in Coastal and Continental Shelf Sediments of the Gulf of Mexico
Timing of Benthic Copepod Emergence—A Laboratory Flume Study
Timing of Benthic Copepod Emergence—A Laboratory Flume Study
Biochemical Composition of Naupii Derived from Stored Non-Diapause and Diapause          Copepod Eggs and the Biology of Diapausing Eggs
Biochemical Composition of Naupii Derived from Stored Non-Diapause and Diapause Copepod Eggs and the Biology of Diapausing Eggs
Ecology of Phytoplankton, Acartia Tonsa, and Microzooplankton in Apalachicola Bay,          Florida
Ecology of Phytoplankton, Acartia Tonsa, and Microzooplankton in Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Stable Isotope Studies of Methane Production in Northern Wetlands
Stable Isotope Studies of Methane Production in Northern Wetlands