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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Impact of Perfectionism Type on the Career Self-Efficacy, Vocational Identity, and Interest Differentiation of College Students
Impact of Perfectionism Type on the Career Self-Efficacy, Vocational Identity, and Interest Differentiation of College Students
Pathway Towards Persistence
Pathway Towards Persistence
History and Development of Co-Curricular Transcripts
History and Development of Co-Curricular Transcripts
Impact of Greek Life Membership on Vocational Identity, Career Self-Efficacy, and Goal Instability of College          Students
Impact of Greek Life Membership on Vocational Identity, Career Self-Efficacy, and Goal Instability of College Students
Impact of the Self-Directed Search, Vocational Identity, and Anxiety on Career Exploratory Behavior
Impact of the Self-Directed Search, Vocational Identity, and Anxiety on Career Exploratory Behavior