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20 items found in collection [showing 1 - 20]
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Engineering Neural Tissue Patterning from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modeling Alzherimer's Disease
Engineering Neural Tissue Patterning from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modeling Alzherimer's Disease
Modelling 3-D Brain-like Tissues Using Human Stem Cell-Derived Vascular Spheroids, Cortical Spheroids and Microglia-like Cells
Modelling 3-D Brain-like Tissues Using Human Stem Cell-Derived Vascular Spheroids, Cortical Spheroids and Microglia-like Cells
Towards the Development of Lipid Multilayer Microarrays for Dose Dependent in Vitro Delivery and Screening
Towards the Development of Lipid Multilayer Microarrays for Dose Dependent in Vitro Delivery and Screening
Cell Adhesion and Motility on Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte Multilayers
Cell Adhesion and Motility on Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte Multilayers
Kinetic Modeling of Mithochondral ATP Production
Kinetic Modeling of Mithochondral ATP Production
Mathematical Analysis of Ca2+ Cycling and Protein Turnover in Muscle Fibers
Mathematical Analysis of Ca2+ Cycling and Protein Turnover in Muscle Fibers
Top-down Fabrication of Microparticles for Drug Delivery and Cell Tracking
Top-down Fabrication of Microparticles for Drug Delivery and Cell Tracking
Intracellular MRI Contrast Agents for High Magnetic Fields
Intracellular MRI Contrast Agents for High Magnetic Fields
High Field Magnetic Resonance Assessments of Neurodegenerative Disease at 21.1 T
High Field Magnetic Resonance Assessments of Neurodegenerative Disease at 21.1 T
Influence of Reaction and Diffusion Processes on the Intracellular Distribution of Mitochondria in Muscle Fibers
Influence of Reaction and Diffusion Processes on the Intracellular Distribution of Mitochondria in Muscle Fibers
Assessments of Skeletal Muscle Architecture and Energetics by Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 31P Spectroscopy
Assessments of Skeletal Muscle Architecture and Energetics by Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 31P Spectroscopy
Intracellular MRI Contrast Agents for High Magnetic Fields
Intracellular MRI Contrast Agents for High Magnetic Fields
Applications of Polymer Gel Physics
Applications of Polymer Gel Physics
Mathematical Modeling of Transport and Reaction in Cellular and Tissue Engineering
Mathematical Modeling of Transport and Reaction in Cellular and Tissue Engineering
Effects of Calcium-Collagen Chelate on Bone Loss in Osteopenic Postmenopausal Women
Effects of Calcium-Collagen Chelate on Bone Loss in Osteopenic Postmenopausal Women
Investigation on Bioreactor Operating Parameters for Optimum Microbial Hydrogen          Production
Investigation on Bioreactor Operating Parameters for Optimum Microbial Hydrogen Production
Top-down Particle Fabraction by Layer-by-Layer Assembly and Microcontact Printing
Top-down Particle Fabraction by Layer-by-Layer Assembly and Microcontact Printing
Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Muscle Metabolism Parametric and Sensitivity Analysis
Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Muscle Metabolism Parametric and Sensitivity Analysis
Measurement of Binding and Endocytotic/Fusional Uptake of Liposome Particles by Human Lung Cancer Cells
Measurement of Binding and Endocytotic/Fusional Uptake of Liposome Particles by Human Lung Cancer Cells
Cellular Responses to Osmotic Perturbation
Cellular Responses to Osmotic Perturbation