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7 items found in collection [showing 1 - 7]
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Octocorals of Alaska
Octocorals of Alaska
Oxygen and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in Coastal Permeable Sediments
Oxygen and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in Coastal Permeable Sediments
Deep-Sea Faunal Investigations from Macrofaunal Abundance to Harpacticoid (Crustacea Analyses of          Harpacticoids
Deep-Sea Faunal Investigations from Macrofaunal Abundance to Harpacticoid (Crustacea Analyses of Harpacticoids
Influence of Sedimentary Gas Ebullition on Interfacial Transport in Permeable Marine Sands
Influence of Sedimentary Gas Ebullition on Interfacial Transport in Permeable Marine Sands
Variability of Deep-Sea Meiofaunal Abundances on the Continental Rise off the West Coast of the United States
Variability of Deep-Sea Meiofaunal Abundances on the Continental Rise off the West Coast of the United States
Distinct Megabenthic Structure-Forming Communities within the Makapu'u Deep-Sea Coral Bed and Shifts in Crinoid Abundance
Distinct Megabenthic Structure-Forming Communities within the Makapu'u Deep-Sea Coral Bed and Shifts in Crinoid Abundance
Using Changes in Biomass and Productivity to Discern Anthropogenic Impacts in Aquatic Ecosystems
Using Changes in Biomass and Productivity to Discern Anthropogenic Impacts in Aquatic Ecosystems