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19 items found in collection [showing 1 - 19]
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Transferability of the American Community College Model into Indonesian Context for the Development of Its Akademi Komunitas
Transferability of the American Community College Model into Indonesian Context for the Development of Its Akademi Komunitas
Examining One Principal's Leadership Processes and Procedures Used to Implement Educational Change in a Failing Middle School
Examining One Principal's Leadership Processes and Procedures Used to Implement Educational Change in a Failing Middle School
Heideggerian Critique of the Role of 'Relation' in John Dewey's Philosophy of Education
Heideggerian Critique of the Role of 'Relation' in John Dewey's Philosophy of Education
Turkey's Imam-Hatip Schools
Turkey's Imam-Hatip Schools
Cultural Identity Crafting Across Different Cultures in the U.S.
Cultural Identity Crafting Across Different Cultures in the U.S.
Case of the Global-Local Dialectic
Case of the Global-Local Dialectic
Liberty of Conscience and Mass Schooling
Liberty of Conscience and Mass Schooling
Developing Self-Efficacy through Experiential Education
Developing Self-Efficacy through Experiential Education
In Pursuit of Indigenous Turkish Philosophy of Education
In Pursuit of Indigenous Turkish Philosophy of Education
Unique but Inclusive Individuality
Unique but Inclusive Individuality
Community College Development in India
Community College Development in India
Improving Career Exploration for Elementary School Students in Florida
Improving Career Exploration for Elementary School Students in Florida
Intercultural Teacher Education through Cultural Synergy
Intercultural Teacher Education through Cultural Synergy
Exploring Student Perspectives of Stress in English Language Arts Classroom Activities
Exploring Student Perspectives of Stress in English Language Arts Classroom Activities
Curricular Design for Authentic Self-Education
Curricular Design for Authentic Self-Education
From East to West
From East to West
Black Curriculum for a Black School
Black Curriculum for a Black School
Other in Education
Other in Education
Concept of Quality in Cambodian Teacher Training
Concept of Quality in Cambodian Teacher Training