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17 items found in collection [showing 1 - 17]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
Building Trusted Computer Systems via Unified Software Integrity Protection
Building Trusted Computer Systems via Unified Software Integrity Protection
Algorithms for Solving Near Point Problems
Algorithms for Solving Near Point Problems
Building Tools for Forensic Analysis of Mobile and IoT Applications Using Selective Data Extraction
Building Tools for Forensic Analysis of Mobile and IoT Applications Using Selective Data Extraction
Parallel Similarity Join
Parallel Similarity Join
Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Based Password Cracking
Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Based Password Cracking
Testing for the Equality of Two Distributions on High Dimensional Object Spaces and Nonparametric Inference for Location Parameters
Testing for the Equality of Two Distributions on High Dimensional Object Spaces and Nonparametric Inference for Location Parameters
Towards Enhanced Mobile Voice Authentication
Towards Enhanced Mobile Voice Authentication
Towards Ubiquitous User Authentication and Sensing Based on the Ear Canal and Toothprint Biometrics Using Ear Wearables
Towards Ubiquitous User Authentication and Sensing Based on the Ear Canal and Toothprint Biometrics Using Ear Wearables
Statistical Shape Analysis on Manifolds with Applications to Planar Contours and          Structural Proteomics
Statistical Shape Analysis on Manifolds with Applications to Planar Contours and Structural Proteomics
Inferential and Computational Methods for Object Data, and an Application to Medical Imaging
Inferential and Computational Methods for Object Data, and an Application to Medical Imaging
Spatial Approximate String Search
Spatial Approximate String Search
Using Probabilistic Techniques to Aid in Password Cracking Attacks
Using Probabilistic Techniques to Aid in Password Cracking Attacks
Community Search and Detection on Large Graphs
Community Search and Detection on Large Graphs
Experimental Approaches to Computational Geometric and Statistical Machine Translation Problems
Experimental Approaches to Computational Geometric and Statistical Machine Translation Problems
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting for Business Intelligence Applications
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting for Business Intelligence Applications
Study of Nuclear Structure and Neutron Stars with a Bayesian Neural Network Approach
Study of Nuclear Structure and Neutron Stars with a Bayesian Neural Network Approach
On Exactitude in Geographic Information Science
On Exactitude in Geographic Information Science