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22 items found in collection [showing 1 - 22]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
Factors Influencing College Choice Among Track and Field Student Athletes at NCAA D-1 Conference HBCUs
Factors Influencing College Choice Among Track and Field Student Athletes at NCAA D-1 Conference HBCUs
Assessment of Social and Academic Integration Among Track and Field Student-Athletes          of the Atlantic Coast Conference
Assessment of Social and Academic Integration Among Track and Field Student-Athletes of the Atlantic Coast Conference
Understanding the Role of Consumer Goodwill in Sponsorship
Understanding the Role of Consumer Goodwill in Sponsorship
Ethnographic Study of the Culture of Communication in the Sports Information Office          in a Division I-A Athletic Program
Ethnographic Study of the Culture of Communication in the Sports Information Office in a Division I-A Athletic Program
Managerial Factors Affecting Team Identification
Managerial Factors Affecting Team Identification
Does Sport Really Matter to Volunteers?
Does Sport Really Matter to Volunteers?
Auctions with Resale
Auctions with Resale
Effect of Congruence of Leadership Behaviors on Motivation, Commitment, and          Satisfaction of College Tennis Players
Effect of Congruence of Leadership Behaviors on Motivation, Commitment, and Satisfaction of College Tennis Players
Causal Model Depicting the Influence of Selected Task and Employee Variables on          Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Causal Model Depicting the Influence of Selected Task and Employee Variables on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Sport Sponsorship as an Internal Marketing Tool
Sport Sponsorship as an Internal Marketing Tool
Influence of Perceived Shared Corporate Social Orientation of Employees and Volunteers with Sport Organizations on Attitudinal Outcomes
Influence of Perceived Shared Corporate Social Orientation of Employees and Volunteers with Sport Organizations on Attitudinal Outcomes
Examining the Employee-Customer Chain in the Fitness Industry
Examining the Employee-Customer Chain in the Fitness Industry
Sport Sponsorship Match-Up Effect on Consumer Based Brand Equity
Sport Sponsorship Match-Up Effect on Consumer Based Brand Equity
Single versus Multiple Team Sponsorship
Single versus Multiple Team Sponsorship
Benefits Felt by Division I-A Student-Athletes from Participation in Community Service Activities
Benefits Felt by Division I-A Student-Athletes from Participation in Community Service Activities
Best of N Contests
Best of N Contests
Alternate Conceptualization of the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Context of Sport Participation
Alternate Conceptualization of the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Context of Sport Participation
Slugger or Slacker
Slugger or Slacker
Eligibility in Flux
Eligibility in Flux
Internal and External Group Identities of a Sports Team
Internal and External Group Identities of a Sports Team
Perception of Risk in Sport Activities
Perception of Risk in Sport Activities
Effects of Pacing Contingencies in a PSI-Taught College-Level Golf Course
Effects of Pacing Contingencies in a PSI-Taught College-Level Golf Course