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22 items found in collection [showing 1 - 22]
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Testing Free Speech in Our Conflicted Democracy
Testing Free Speech in Our Conflicted Democracy
One Plus One Equals Three
One Plus One Equals Three
African Spirituality in the Novels of Tina McElroy Ansa
African Spirituality in the Novels of Tina McElroy Ansa
Arabian Nights in British Romantic Children's Literature
Arabian Nights in British Romantic Children's Literature
American Exodus
American Exodus
Four Vietnams
Four Vietnams
Room of Her Own
Room of Her Own
Education of a 'Learned Wife'
Education of a 'Learned Wife'
White-Washing History
White-Washing History
Female Body and Revolution
Female Body and Revolution
Spinning Pagans or Americans?
Spinning Pagans or Americans?
Literary Archaeology of Loss
Literary Archaeology of Loss
From Longing to Loss
From Longing to Loss
Unholy Matrimony
Unholy Matrimony
Rewriting the Mother Figure in Selected Novels by Contemporary African American Women
Rewriting the Mother Figure in Selected Novels by Contemporary African American Women
Generation of Witnesses
Generation of Witnesses
Representation and the Modern Female Subject
Representation and the Modern Female Subject
Louis J. Witte
Louis J. Witte
Cross-Section of Research and Reflection in Composition and Rhetoric
Cross-Section of Research and Reflection in Composition and Rhetoric
Civilian Involvement in the 1990-91 Gulf War Through the Civil Reserve Air Fleet
Civilian Involvement in the 1990-91 Gulf War Through the Civil Reserve Air Fleet
"How We Got Ovah"
"How We Got Ovah"
Ceci N'Est Pas une Baleine
Ceci N'Est Pas une Baleine