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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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History of the Oregon Bach Festival
History of the Oregon Bach Festival
Music Philosophies, Choral Concepts, and Rehearsal Practices of Two African American Choral Conductors
Music Philosophies, Choral Concepts, and Rehearsal Practices of Two African American Choral Conductors
Analysis of Gender, Authority and Educational Background of Voice Teachers in          Undergraduate Degree-Granting Institutions
Analysis of Gender, Authority and Educational Background of Voice Teachers in Undergraduate Degree-Granting Institutions
Influences of Dynamic Level and Pitch Height on the Vibrato Rates and Widths of Violin and Viola Players
Influences of Dynamic Level and Pitch Height on the Vibrato Rates and Widths of Violin and Viola Players
Choral Conductor's Reference Guide to Acoustic Choral Music Measurement
Choral Conductor's Reference Guide to Acoustic Choral Music Measurement
Breathing for Singers
Breathing for Singers