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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Observational Analyses and Idealized Numerical Simulations of African Wave Dynamics
Observational Analyses and Idealized Numerical Simulations of African Wave Dynamics
Determining the Characteristics of Anvil and Thunderstorm Lightning for Use in the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy          Space Center
Determining the Characteristics of Anvil and Thunderstorm Lightning for Use in the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center
Observational Analysis and Retrieval of Snowfall Using Satellite Data at High Microwave Frequencies
Observational Analysis and Retrieval of Snowfall Using Satellite Data at High Microwave Frequencies
Diagnosis of the Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Variablity in the Annual Cycle over the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Diagnosis of the Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Variablity in the Annual Cycle over the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Indexing, Mode Definition, and Signal Extraction in Climate Research
Indexing, Mode Definition, and Signal Extraction in Climate Research
Diagnosis of the Asian Summer Monsoon Variability and the Climate Prediction of Monsoon          Precipitation via Physical Decomposition
Diagnosis of the Asian Summer Monsoon Variability and the Climate Prediction of Monsoon Precipitation via Physical Decomposition