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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
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Relationship Between Volunteering and Undergraduate Academic Achievement at Florida State University
Relationship Between Volunteering and Undergraduate Academic Achievement at Florida State University
Essays on Policy and Women's Health
Essays on Policy and Women's Health
Reconstructing Identity
Reconstructing Identity
Human Rights Practice in Social Work
Human Rights Practice in Social Work
Effects of Theory-Based Techniques and Media Tools on Information-Seeking Behavior
Effects of Theory-Based Techniques and Media Tools on Information-Seeking Behavior
Little Bird Told Me...
Little Bird Told Me...
Trauma Exposure and Subsequent Offending Among First-Time Juvenile Arrestees
Trauma Exposure and Subsequent Offending Among First-Time Juvenile Arrestees
Examining the Role of Cultural Responsiveness in Leadership Education among Diverse College Students
Examining the Role of Cultural Responsiveness in Leadership Education among Diverse College Students
Broadening vs. Deepening the Correlates of Support for European Integration
Broadening vs. Deepening the Correlates of Support for European Integration
Gang Member Label and Juvenile Justice Decision-Making
Gang Member Label and Juvenile Justice Decision-Making
Explaining Urban Social Unrest and Violent Civil Conflict
Explaining Urban Social Unrest and Violent Civil Conflict
Building the Capacity of Capacity Builders
Building the Capacity of Capacity Builders
Sexual Assault and Masculinity in Chivalric Romance
Sexual Assault and Masculinity in Chivalric Romance
Personal Reputation in Organizations
Personal Reputation in Organizations
Examination of the Impact of Revision 7 on Governance in the Florida State Courts System
Examination of the Impact of Revision 7 on Governance in the Florida State Courts System