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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Exploring the Relationship between Student Engagement and Early Career Earnings in a Public University
Exploring the Relationship between Student Engagement and Early Career Earnings in a Public University
Group Decision-Making Communication Effectiveness (GDMCE) Scale
Group Decision-Making Communication Effectiveness (GDMCE) Scale
Role of Mixed Emotions and Counterfactual Thinking in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction within the Spectator          Sport Context
Role of Mixed Emotions and Counterfactual Thinking in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction within the Spectator Sport Context
Mental Health Policy in College Athletics
Mental Health Policy in College Athletics
Psychological Needs and Psychological Connection to Sport Objects
Psychological Needs and Psychological Connection to Sport Objects
Keeping ‘Em Flying
Keeping ‘Em Flying
Academic Clustering in Intercollegiate Athletics
Academic Clustering in Intercollegiate Athletics
No Pain, No Gain
No Pain, No Gain
Dumbo in the Room
Dumbo in the Room