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14 items found in collection [showing 1 - 14]
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Rollover Procedures for Crashworthiness Assessment of Paratransit Bus Structures
Rollover Procedures for Crashworthiness Assessment of Paratransit Bus Structures
Parametric Uncertainty Analysis of Uranium Transport Surface Complexation Models
Parametric Uncertainty Analysis of Uranium Transport Surface Complexation Models
Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations by the Finite Element Method Using Reduced Order Modeling
Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations by the Finite Element Method Using Reduced Order Modeling
Barrier Island Responses to Storms and Sea-Level Rise
Barrier Island Responses to Storms and Sea-Level Rise
Integrating Two-Way Interaction Between Fluids and Rigid Bodies in the Real-Time Particle Systems Library
Integrating Two-Way Interaction Between Fluids and Rigid Bodies in the Real-Time Particle Systems Library
Supervised Aggregation of Classifiers Using Artificial Prediction Markets
Supervised Aggregation of Classifiers Using Artificial Prediction Markets
Irradiation-Induced Composition Patterns and Segregation in Binary Solid Solutions
Irradiation-Induced Composition Patterns and Segregation in Binary Solid Solutions
Peridynamic Modeling and Simulation of Polymer-Nanotube Composites
Peridynamic Modeling and Simulation of Polymer-Nanotube Composites
Time-Stepping Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Ocean Models
Time-Stepping Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Ocean Models
Numerical Implementation of Continuum Dislocation Theory
Numerical Implementation of Continuum Dislocation Theory
Assessment of Parameteric and Model Uncertainty in Groundwater Modeling
Assessment of Parameteric and Model Uncertainty in Groundwater Modeling
Uncertainty Quantification of Groundwater Reactive Transport and Coastal Morphological Modeling
Uncertainty Quantification of Groundwater Reactive Transport and Coastal Morphological Modeling
Monte Carlo Simulation of Phonon Transport in Uranium Dioxide
Monte Carlo Simulation of Phonon Transport in Uranium Dioxide
Real-Time Particle Systems in the Blender Game Engine
Real-Time Particle Systems in the Blender Game Engine