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12 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 12]
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Field Training Experiences Of Child Welfare Workers
Field Training Experiences Of Child Welfare Workers
Me, Myself, and I
Me, Myself, and I
Informal Support Among Low-income Mothers
Informal Support Among Low-income Mothers
Satisfactions and Stressors Experienced by Recently-hired Frontline Child Welfare Workers
Satisfactions and Stressors Experienced by Recently-hired Frontline Child Welfare Workers
Unmarried Mothers' Postnatal School Enrollment
Unmarried Mothers' Postnatal School Enrollment
Psychological Distress Among Low-income Mothers
Psychological Distress Among Low-income Mothers
Employment Among Unaccompanied Women Experiencing Homelessness
Employment Among Unaccompanied Women Experiencing Homelessness
Adapting a Parenting Intervention for Parents Aging Out of the Child Welfare System
Adapting a Parenting Intervention for Parents Aging Out of the Child Welfare System
"It's Really Overwhelming"
"It's Really Overwhelming"
Learning, Negotiating, and Surviving in Child Welfare
Learning, Negotiating, and Surviving in Child Welfare
From Classroom to Caseload
From Classroom to Caseload
"business As Usual"
"business As Usual"