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27 items found in collection [showing 1 - 27]
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Self-Objectification and Exercise Behaviors
Self-Objectification and Exercise Behaviors
"Teaching in the Eyes of Beholders"
"Teaching in the Eyes of Beholders"
Exertion-Pain Anxiety
Exertion-Pain Anxiety
Teacher's Use of Nonfiction Text in Third Grade Classrooms
Teacher's Use of Nonfiction Text in Third Grade Classrooms
Developmental Changes in Preservice Teachers' Mental Models of Learning and          Instruction
Developmental Changes in Preservice Teachers' Mental Models of Learning and Instruction
Relationship Between the Expectation of Pain and Precompetitive Anxiety
Relationship Between the Expectation of Pain and Precompetitive Anxiety
Value-Added Models, Outcome-Based Teacher Performance, and the Teaching-Learning Process
Value-Added Models, Outcome-Based Teacher Performance, and the Teaching-Learning Process
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Coaches
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Coaches
Importance of Values-Alignment within a Role-Hierarchy to Foster Teacher's Motivation for Implementing Professional Development
Importance of Values-Alignment within a Role-Hierarchy to Foster Teacher's Motivation for Implementing Professional Development
Effects of Levels of Instructional Assistance on Learning and Mental Effort in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Effects of Levels of Instructional Assistance on Learning and Mental Effort in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Trash Talk in a Competitive Setting
Trash Talk in a Competitive Setting
Self-Presentational Concern as an Antecedent of Athletic Injury
Self-Presentational Concern as an Antecedent of Athletic Injury
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Investigation into the Temporal Patterning of Performance Affectivity and Coping in the Performing Arts
Investigation into the Temporal Patterning of Performance Affectivity and Coping in the Performing Arts
Radical Awareness Among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
Radical Awareness Among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
Heritage Language Learners' Perceptions of Taking Spanish Language Classes
Heritage Language Learners' Perceptions of Taking Spanish Language Classes
Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language Anxiety
Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language Anxiety
Study of Private Speech and Cognitive Regulation in Native Nonnative Speaker Interactions
Study of Private Speech and Cognitive Regulation in Native Nonnative Speaker Interactions
Issues of Equitable Access
Issues of Equitable Access
Time Estimation Among Basketball Players
Time Estimation Among Basketball Players
Investigating a Conceptual Framework for Trash Talk
Investigating a Conceptual Framework for Trash Talk
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Literacy Uses and Women's Gender Roles
Literacy Uses and Women's Gender Roles
Influence of Pre-Service Teachers' Perceived Instrumentality on Their Motivation and Cognition in Teacher Education Courses
Influence of Pre-Service Teachers' Perceived Instrumentality on Their Motivation and Cognition in Teacher Education Courses
Improving Student Learning in Large Lecture Classes at a State University via the Use of Electronic Response Systems and Two Different Questioning Strategies
Improving Student Learning in Large Lecture Classes at a State University via the Use of Electronic Response Systems and Two Different Questioning Strategies
Methodology Review of Research on Teachers' Perceptions of Creative and Gifted Students
Methodology Review of Research on Teachers' Perceptions of Creative and Gifted Students