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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Distinguishing Science from Philosophy
Distinguishing Science from Philosophy
Career Decisions of Independent School Teachers
Career Decisions of Independent School Teachers
Relation of Theory of Intelligence to Academic Motivation and Academic Outcomes
Relation of Theory of Intelligence to Academic Motivation and Academic Outcomes
Process of Choosing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careers by Undergraduate Women
Process of Choosing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careers by Undergraduate Women
Attitudes Toward Impending Social Work Educational Reforms and the Intention to Make Changes Among British Social Work Educators
Attitudes Toward Impending Social Work Educational Reforms and the Intention to Make Changes Among British Social Work Educators
Influence of Pre-Service Teachers' Perceived Instrumentality on Their Motivation and Cognition in Teacher Education Courses
Influence of Pre-Service Teachers' Perceived Instrumentality on Their Motivation and Cognition in Teacher Education Courses