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22 items found in collection [showing 1 - 22]
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Progressive Arab Nationalism
Progressive Arab Nationalism
Torturer's Dilemma
Torturer's Dilemma
Foreign Policy and Transnational Terrorism
Foreign Policy and Transnational Terrorism
Failing to Prepare or Preparing to Fail?
Failing to Prepare or Preparing to Fail?
Effects of Nationalism on Territorial Integrity Among Armenians and Serbs
Effects of Nationalism on Territorial Integrity Among Armenians and Serbs
Is Perception Reality?
Is Perception Reality?
Third-Party Peace Enforcement and Civil War Termination Bargaining
Third-Party Peace Enforcement and Civil War Termination Bargaining
Paving the Path for Success
Paving the Path for Success
"Between Grand Strategy and Grandiose Stupidity"
"Between Grand Strategy and Grandiose Stupidity"
Measuring the Impact of Partisanship on Mayoral Policy
Measuring the Impact of Partisanship on Mayoral Policy
Terrorism, Provocation, and Mobilization
Terrorism, Provocation, and Mobilization
Cultures and Conflict
Cultures and Conflict
Delegating Death
Delegating Death
Economic Foundations of Interstate Conflict in the Developing World
Economic Foundations of Interstate Conflict in the Developing World
Party Politics and Legislative Party Switching
Party Politics and Legislative Party Switching
Predicting the Intensity and Location of Violence in War
Predicting the Intensity and Location of Violence in War
This Way Please
This Way Please
Foreign Aid to the Rescue?
Foreign Aid to the Rescue?
From Revolution to Realpolitik
From Revolution to Realpolitik
Explaining European Ambivalence Towards Turkish Membership in the European Union
Explaining European Ambivalence Towards Turkish Membership in the European Union
Filling the Void
Filling the Void