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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Monte Carlo Likelihood Estimation for Conditional Autoregressive Models with Application to Sparse Spatiotemporal Data
Monte Carlo Likelihood Estimation for Conditional Autoregressive Models with Application to Sparse Spatiotemporal Data
Study of Image Representations for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Study of Image Representations for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Throughput Improvement in Multihop Ad Hoc Network Using Adaptive Carrier Sensing Range and Contention Window
Throughput Improvement in Multihop Ad Hoc Network Using Adaptive Carrier Sensing Range and Contention Window
Block Incremental Algorithm for Computing Dominant Singular Subspaces
Block Incremental Algorithm for Computing Dominant Singular Subspaces
Riemannian Manifold Trust-Region Methods with Applications to Eigenproblems
Riemannian Manifold Trust-Region Methods with Applications to Eigenproblems
Statistical Modelling and Applications of Neural Spike Trains
Statistical Modelling and Applications of Neural Spike Trains
Functional Data Analysis and Partial Shape Matching in the Square Root Velocity Framework
Functional Data Analysis and Partial Shape Matching in the Square Root Velocity Framework
Shape Analysis of Curves in Higher Dimensions
Shape Analysis of Curves in Higher Dimensions