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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Network Analysis of Animal Space-Use Patterns
Network Analysis of Animal Space-Use Patterns
Understanding Human-Black Bear Conflicts in the Florida Apalachicola Bear Management Unit
Understanding Human-Black Bear Conflicts in the Florida Apalachicola Bear Management Unit
Improved Flood Prediction from Basin Elevation Distribution
Improved Flood Prediction from Basin Elevation Distribution
Morphological Barrier Island Changes and Recovery of Dunes after Hurricane Dennis, St.          George Island, Florida
Morphological Barrier Island Changes and Recovery of Dunes after Hurricane Dennis, St. George Island, Florida
Social Spatialization in the Atchafalaya Basin
Social Spatialization in the Atchafalaya Basin
Fluctuations in Hurricane Landfall Frequency along the East Coast of Florida as a          Function of Regional Climate Variability
Fluctuations in Hurricane Landfall Frequency along the East Coast of Florida as a Function of Regional Climate Variability
Prelandfall Intensity as Precitor of Economic Loss from Florida Hurricanes, 1900-2007
Prelandfall Intensity as Precitor of Economic Loss from Florida Hurricanes, 1900-2007
Geographical Ontology of Objects in the Visible Domain
Geographical Ontology of Objects in the Visible Domain
Impacts of Landscape Characteristics on Waterquality
Impacts of Landscape Characteristics on Waterquality
Variations in Typhoon Landfalls over China
Variations in Typhoon Landfalls over China
Integrating Geographic Information Technologies for Land Change Analysis and Modeling in an Urban Area
Integrating Geographic Information Technologies for Land Change Analysis and Modeling in an Urban Area
Implications of Spatial Resolution on Hydrological Network Modeling
Implications of Spatial Resolution on Hydrological Network Modeling
Evidence for a Solar Influence on U.S.-Affecting Hurricanes
Evidence for a Solar Influence on U.S.-Affecting Hurricanes