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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Characterization of Role of LARP6 Phosphorylation in Regulating Type I Collagen Biosynthesis in Liver Fibrosis
Characterization of Role of LARP6 Phosphorylation in Regulating Type I Collagen Biosynthesis in Liver Fibrosis
Specific Regulation of Type I Collagen Synthesis in Fibrosis
Specific Regulation of Type I Collagen Synthesis in Fibrosis
LARP6 in Type I Collagen Expression and Embryonic Development
LARP6 in Type I Collagen Expression and Embryonic Development
Novel Mechanisms of Type I Collagen Regulation in Liver Fibrosis
Novel Mechanisms of Type I Collagen Regulation in Liver Fibrosis
Characterization of Mechanisms Controlling Translational Regulation of Type I Collagen in Liver Fibrosis as Target          for Novel Anti-Fibrotics and the Regulation of Neural Tube Closure during Embryonic Development
Characterization of Mechanisms Controlling Translational Regulation of Type I Collagen in Liver Fibrosis as Target for Novel Anti-Fibrotics and the Regulation of Neural Tube Closure during Embryonic Development
Understanding the Functions of Vimentin Filaments in Collagen Expression and Targeting Vimentin Filaments for the Treatment of Fibrosis
Understanding the Functions of Vimentin Filaments in Collagen Expression and Targeting Vimentin Filaments for the Treatment of Fibrosis