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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Moderating Effect of Formal Labeling on Informal Labeling and Adolescent Delinquency
Moderating Effect of Formal Labeling on Informal Labeling and Adolescent Delinquency
Effects of Spatially Distal Prison Placements on Inmate Misconduct
Effects of Spatially Distal Prison Placements on Inmate Misconduct
Do Nutritional Factors Influence Externalizing Behavior during Early Childhood?
Do Nutritional Factors Influence Externalizing Behavior during Early Childhood?
Slavery's Transgenerational Effect on White and Black Interracial Homicides in the Southern United States
Slavery's Transgenerational Effect on White and Black Interracial Homicides in the Southern United States
Punishing Hate
Punishing Hate