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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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High Level Image Analysis on Manifolds via Projective Shapes and 3D Reflection Shapes
High Level Image Analysis on Manifolds via Projective Shapes and 3D Reflection Shapes
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Estimation and Inference with Applications to Finance and Bioinformatics
Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Estimation and Inference with Applications to Finance and Bioinformatics
On the Statistical Modeling of Count Data in High Dimensions
On the Statistical Modeling of Count Data in High Dimensions
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Sparse Factor Auto-Regression for Forecasting Macroeconomic Time Series with Very Many Predictors
Sparse Factor Auto-Regression for Forecasting Macroeconomic Time Series with Very Many Predictors
Nonlinear Multivariate Tests for High-Dimensional Data Using Wavelets with Applications in Genomics and Engineering
Nonlinear Multivariate Tests for High-Dimensional Data Using Wavelets with Applications in Genomics and Engineering
Perceived Colors Analysis and Nonparametric Regression and Anti-Regression for Data on Manifolds with Applications to 3D Projective Shape Analysis
Perceived Colors Analysis and Nonparametric Regression and Anti-Regression for Data on Manifolds with Applications to 3D Projective Shape Analysis
Inferential and Computational Methods for Object Data, and an Application to Medical Imaging
Inferential and Computational Methods for Object Data, and an Application to Medical Imaging
Applications of Machine Learning to Precision Medicine
Applications of Machine Learning to Precision Medicine
Robust Function Registration Using Depth on the Phase Variability
Robust Function Registration Using Depth on the Phase Variability
Nonparametric Detection of Arbitrary Changes to Distributions and Methods of Regularization of Piecewise Constant Functional Data
Nonparametric Detection of Arbitrary Changes to Distributions and Methods of Regularization of Piecewise Constant Functional Data