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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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On Elliptic Fibrations and F-Theory Compactifications of String Vacua
On Elliptic Fibrations and F-Theory Compactifications of String Vacua
Chern-Schwartz-Macpherson Classes of Graph Hypersurfaces and Schubert Varieties
Chern-Schwartz-Macpherson Classes of Graph Hypersurfaces and Schubert Varieties
Openmath Library for Computing on Riemann Surfaces
Openmath Library for Computing on Riemann Surfaces
Constructing Non-Trivial Elements of the Shafarevich-Tate Group of an Abelian Variety
Constructing Non-Trivial Elements of the Shafarevich-Tate Group of an Abelian Variety
Secant Indices, Duality Defect, and Generalizations of the Segre Zeta Function
Secant Indices, Duality Defect, and Generalizations of the Segre Zeta Function
Principal Elements of Mixed-Sign Coxeter Systems
Principal Elements of Mixed-Sign Coxeter Systems