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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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β-lactam synthesis
β-lactam synthesis
C10 cyclopentyl ester substituted taxanes
C10 cyclopentyl ester substituted taxanes
Taxane synthesis method and intermediates
Taxane synthesis method and intermediates
Processes for the preparation of docetaxel
Processes for the preparation of docetaxel
Processes for the preparation of paclitaxel
Processes for the preparation of paclitaxel
Method for the synthesis of taxanes
Method for the synthesis of taxanes
Method for the synthesis of a taxane intermediate
Method for the synthesis of a taxane intermediate
C10 cyclopentyl ester substituted taxanes
C10 cyclopentyl ester substituted taxanes
Processes for the production of polycyclic fused ring compounds
Processes for the production of polycyclic fused ring compounds
C(10) ethyl ester and C(10) cyclopropyl ester substituted taxanes
C(10) ethyl ester and C(10) cyclopropyl ester substituted taxanes