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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Selection on a Modified Genetic Network with a Novel Artificial Link in Drosophila Melanogaster
Selection on a Modified Genetic Network with a Novel Artificial Link in Drosophila Melanogaster
Role of Thyroxine in Spadefoot Toad Development
Role of Thyroxine in Spadefoot Toad Development
Influence of Oceanographic Processes on Recruitment and Gene Flow in the Temperate Rockfish Sebastes Melanops
Influence of Oceanographic Processes on Recruitment and Gene Flow in the Temperate Rockfish Sebastes Melanops
Evolutionary Constraints on Plasticity in the Anti-Herbivore Defenses of Solanum Carolinense
Evolutionary Constraints on Plasticity in the Anti-Herbivore Defenses of Solanum Carolinense
Expression and Impact of Parent-Offspring Conflict in Natural Populations of the Least Killifish, Heterandria Formosa
Expression and Impact of Parent-Offspring Conflict in Natural Populations of the Least Killifish, Heterandria Formosa
Trophic Dynamics of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion Nebulosus) in a River-Dominated Coastal Estuary, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Trophic Dynamics of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion Nebulosus) in a River-Dominated Coastal Estuary, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Use of Long-Term Vegetation Census Data to Inform Restoration Methods and Processes of Community Ecology on a Barrier Island
Use of Long-Term Vegetation Census Data to Inform Restoration Methods and Processes of Community Ecology on a Barrier Island
Influence of Morphology, Skeletal Characteristics, and Investment in Defensive Chemistry on the Growth,          Reattachment, and Regeneration of Caribbean Coral Reef Sponges and Its Application to Coral Reef Restoration
Influence of Morphology, Skeletal Characteristics, and Investment in Defensive Chemistry on the Growth, Reattachment, and Regeneration of Caribbean Coral Reef Sponges and Its Application to Coral Reef Restoration
Reproductive Isolation and Hybridization Dynamics in Threatened Caribbean Acroporid Corals
Reproductive Isolation and Hybridization Dynamics in Threatened Caribbean Acroporid Corals
Parental Effort and Parasite Resistance in the Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes Carolinus)
Parental Effort and Parasite Resistance in the Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes Carolinus)
Roles of Allorecognition and Larval Interactions in the Fusion of Swimming Sponge Larvae
Roles of Allorecognition and Larval Interactions in the Fusion of Swimming Sponge Larvae
Foraging Dynamics of Juvenile Spot (Leiostomus Xanthurus) in a River Dominated Estuary, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Foraging Dynamics of Juvenile Spot (Leiostomus Xanthurus) in a River Dominated Estuary, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Plant Responses to Joint Effects of Herbivores and Pollinators
Plant Responses to Joint Effects of Herbivores and Pollinators