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20 items found in collection [showing 1 - 20]
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Effects of Warming, and Nitrogen on the Colonization and Establishment of a Novel Species
Effects of Warming, and Nitrogen on the Colonization and Establishment of a Novel Species
Insects in Variable Plant Patches
Insects in Variable Plant Patches
Ambitious Instruction in Undergraduate Biology Laboratories
Ambitious Instruction in Undergraduate Biology Laboratories
Role of Evolution in Maintaining Coexistence of Competitors
Role of Evolution in Maintaining Coexistence of Competitors
Effects of Sperm Environment on the Evolution of Gamete Traits in Ciona Robusta
Effects of Sperm Environment on the Evolution of Gamete Traits in Ciona Robusta
Filter Feeding Ecology of Erect Branching Sponges on Caribbean Coral Reefs
Filter Feeding Ecology of Erect Branching Sponges on Caribbean Coral Reefs
Densities across Hierarchical Scales Influence Ecological and Evolutionary          Processes
Densities across Hierarchical Scales Influence Ecological and Evolutionary Processes
View of Rhynchosporeae (Cyperaceae) Diversification before and after the Application of Anchored Phylogenomics Across the                 Angiosperms
View of Rhynchosporeae (Cyperaceae) Diversification before and after the Application of Anchored Phylogenomics Across the Angiosperms
Floral Morphology and Development in Houstonia Procumbens (Rubiaceae), a Uniquely Distylous, Cleistogamous Species
Floral Morphology and Development in Houstonia Procumbens (Rubiaceae), a Uniquely Distylous, Cleistogamous Species
Community-Level Consequences of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Community-Level Consequences of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Genetics of Adaptation of Island Rattlesnakes
Genetics of Adaptation of Island Rattlesnakes
Maintenance of Variation and Adaptive Consequences of Encrusting Growth Forms in the Clonal Hydroid Genus Hydractinia
Maintenance of Variation and Adaptive Consequences of Encrusting Growth Forms in the Clonal Hydroid Genus Hydractinia
Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Inbreeding and Outbreeding in a Spermcasting Invertebrate
Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Inbreeding and Outbreeding in a Spermcasting Invertebrate
Role of Biocrusts in Coastal Dune Plant Communities
Role of Biocrusts in Coastal Dune Plant Communities
Genetic Interactions in Evolutionary Processes
Genetic Interactions in Evolutionary Processes
Modeling Species Distributions of Three Endemic Florida Panhandle Mints under Climate Change
Modeling Species Distributions of Three Endemic Florida Panhandle Mints under Climate Change
Florida Harvester Ants and Their Charcoal
Florida Harvester Ants and Their Charcoal
Effects of Fire Refugia on Co-Flowering Communities, Floral Abundance, and          Flowering Phenology in an Old Growth Longleaf Pine Forest
Effects of Fire Refugia on Co-Flowering Communities, Floral Abundance, and Flowering Phenology in an Old Growth Longleaf Pine Forest
Self-Organization and the Superorganism
Self-Organization and the Superorganism