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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
How Pre-Service Teachers' Initial Responses to High School Writers Help Shape Their Teaching Identities
How Pre-Service Teachers' Initial Responses to High School Writers Help Shape Their Teaching Identities
Parent Education, Reflective Writing, and Maternal Efficacy
Parent Education, Reflective Writing, and Maternal Efficacy
Exploratory Investigation of the Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviors Among Major League Baseball Employees
Exploratory Investigation of the Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviors Among Major League Baseball Employees
Korean English Teachers' Perceptions about Teaching and Assessing Multimodal Composition
Korean English Teachers' Perceptions about Teaching and Assessing Multimodal Composition
Radical Awareness Among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
Radical Awareness Among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
Effects of the Delivery Style of Teacher Feedback on the Writing Self-Efficacy and Dispositions of Young Students
Effects of the Delivery Style of Teacher Feedback on the Writing Self-Efficacy and Dispositions of Young Students
Art and Science of Teaching Literacy
Art and Science of Teaching Literacy
Preparing Future Teachers
Preparing Future Teachers
Disposition to Write
Disposition to Write
Content Area Teachers' Perceptions of the Factors That Promote or Inhibit Infusion of Content Area Reading Strategies into Instruction
Content Area Teachers' Perceptions of the Factors That Promote or Inhibit Infusion of Content Area Reading Strategies into Instruction