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8 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 8]
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Reciprocal Effects of Self-Regulation, Semantic Knowledge, and Reading Comprehension in Early Elementary School.
Reciprocal Effects of Self-Regulation, Semantic Knowledge, and Reading Comprehension in Early Elementary School.
Maternal Socioeconomic Status Influences the Range of Expectations During Language Comprehension in Adulthood.
Maternal Socioeconomic Status Influences the Range of Expectations During Language Comprehension in Adulthood.
Developmental relations between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension
Developmental relations between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension
Semantic Structure in Vocabulary Knowledge Interacts With Lexical and Sentence Processing in Infancy.
Semantic Structure in Vocabulary Knowledge Interacts With Lexical and Sentence Processing in Infancy.
Examining Associations Among ADHD, Homework Behavior, and Reading Comprehension
Examining Associations Among ADHD, Homework Behavior, and Reading Comprehension
Exploring the Co-Development of Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension
Exploring the Co-Development of Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension
Expanding the environment
Expanding the environment
Processing time shifts affects the execution of motor responses.
Processing time shifts affects the execution of motor responses.