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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Revelations and Resilience
Revelations and Resilience
Inventando la Naturaleza
Inventando la Naturaleza
Impact of Vehicle Modal Activity and Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) on Exhaust Emissions through the Integration of VISSIM and Moves
Impact of Vehicle Modal Activity and Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) on Exhaust Emissions through the Integration of VISSIM and Moves
Lateral Advection of Organic Matter in the Eastern Indian Ocean, and Its Role in Supporting New Production
Lateral Advection of Organic Matter in the Eastern Indian Ocean, and Its Role in Supporting New Production
Impact of Group Affirmation on Environmental Message Acceptance, Risk Perception and Behavioral Intention
Impact of Group Affirmation on Environmental Message Acceptance, Risk Perception and Behavioral Intention
Understanding Network Change and Its Impact on Policy Performance
Understanding Network Change and Its Impact on Policy Performance
Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems to Surface Waterbodies in Indian River County, FL
Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems to Surface Waterbodies in Indian River County, FL
Ecosystem Services Assessments as a Planning Tool in Florida
Ecosystem Services Assessments as a Planning Tool in Florida
hat's the Beef with Veganism?
hat's the Beef with Veganism?
Local Participation in Sustainable Development Efforts
Local Participation in Sustainable Development Efforts
Listening for Locality
Listening for Locality
Fragmentation, Identity, and Geopolitics in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
Fragmentation, Identity, and Geopolitics in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
Planning for and Rebuilding Green Infrastructure
Planning for and Rebuilding Green Infrastructure