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A collection of poems, for which the organizing principle was the movement from birth to death, from innocence to experience. Thus the poems in section one were initiatory, and proceeded through themes of initiation into sex and...
Woman by the Water and Other Stories is a collection of four short stories that range in setting from a touristy beach town in the Florida Gulf to a party school in northern Appalachia, and from old-fashioned Midwestern suburbia to a...
La novela antiesclavista: Presencia e identidad negras en la literature colonial cubana (Spanish text, Anselmo Suarez y Romero, Gertrudis G 'omez de Avellaneda, Cirilio Villaverde)
The hermeneutics of birdsong: A stolen poetics of intertextuality
The Hermeneutics of Birdsong is an examination of the tensions, boundaries, and interplay between creative and critical writing. Composed principally of free-verse lyric poems grouped by theme into four chapters, the collection also... The primary and parallel texts function simultaneously as a collage or ideogram, in which the individual poems and critical commentaries coalesce to create a unified, though seemingly fragmented, whole. In keeping with this blending of... Indeed, by forcing the reader to experience criticism as poetry, or poetry as criticism, the primary and parallel texts seek to demonstrate the arbitrary generic distinctions often used to label or judge writing, and thus offer the...
The poems and translations in this thesis explore the "three strong voices" that poet Federico Garcรญa Lorca believes the artist should heed: "the voice of death, with all its foreboding, the voice of love and the voice of art." The...
The author launches a triptych journey into his poetic psyche. The first section of poems explores the socio-political landscape of the postwar, postholocaustic world. The traveler rejects the semi-seductive allures of anomie to which... A strain of koto drifts through the second section in which the poet-traveler records his encounter with the Orient--its philosophies, histories, scents and sinners. Hard learning, transcendence and grace are the general themes of the... To section three. Beginning with an epigraph from Emerson; "Let us affront the smooth mediocrity and squalid contentment of the times, the poet salutes various literati who did just that. Jonathan Edwards, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe,...
The Early Work of Eleanor Dark offers a thorough explanation of the poetry and short stories of Australian author Eleanor Dark (1901-1985). Included in this study are critical chapters on each of her first three novels--Slow Dawning ... The primary purpose of this dissertation is to map Eleanor Dark's development vis-a-vis her socio-historical context and to lay the groundwork for a post-doctoral project involving her complete career. From this perspective, her...
Westerners is a collection of eleven stories, mostly about people struggling to connect in this time of so-called "globalization." Two stories set in the 19th century aim to enhance the meanings found in some of the contemporary stories....
This is a group of poems dealing primarily with the subjects of memory and the past and how these entities shape and limit an individual's present and future. Many of the poems are concerned with the author's working toward an...
Conciencia y revalorizacion neo-feminista de la cuentistica de Carmen Lugo Filippi y Ana Lydia Vega
The first two chapters of this dissertation present the evolution of the feminist movement and the evolution of the Puerto Rican female short story, from the later part of the XIX century to the decade of the eighties. During those years... Starting during the decade of the seventies, and as a result of the neo-feminist movement, a group of female writers took over themes that had been the exclusive domain of men. These female writers restated the social, political, ... Starting with the third chapter Ellen Morgan's critical study "Humanbecoming: Form and Focus in the Neo-Feminist Novel, (185-205) was used in the analysis of Carmen Lugo Filippi and Ana Lydia Vega's short stories compiled in the... This neo-feminist study reveals that Carmen Lugo Filippi and Ana Lydia Vega as well as their female characters rebel to the Puerto Rican male dominated culture. Furthermore, they managed to defeat the stereotypes and taboos that for...
This is a work of fiction dealing with family relationships and the effects of small-town living upon them. The doubling is an important factor, serving to elucidate familial and filial responsibilities and the results thereof. The novel...
A rhetorical analysis of three feminist themes found in the novels of Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and Gloria Naylor
This study investigated three feminist themes found in the novels of three prominent black women writers. The study asserts that novelist can be rhetors and that their works can have wide persuasive appeal. The novels chosen represented... The study involved an examination of structure and presentation of the message and a determination of whether black feminist novels addressed the major issues of the Women's Movement and also to what extent these novels conformed to or... Research on the history of black women novelists led to the formulation of the following research questions: (1) To what extent were black women novelists successful in publishing before 1970? (2) What feminist themes are addressed in... The study focuses on rhetorical and critical analysis. Aristotelian theory of modes of proof and types of discourse was used to determine the rhetorical structure of the novels. An overview of the history of black women novelists in America is provided in order to examine the situation that prompted the message as well as to identify the target audience of the rhetor. Additionally, a detailed synopsis of each...
Princess of Oranges is a collection of ten stories set in 1970s Orlando, Florida. The stories render a world where adult dysfunction forces children to choose from a menu of the perilous and the precarious. The juvenilizing adults seem... The collection is thematically centered around the consciousness of Fay Kinney. At her youngest, Fay is nine, at her oldest, sixteen. Four stories trace her sexual and emotional initiations into the adult world via adolescent female... Four stories examine how women's relationships come of age as mothers and daughters and friends revise the ways see themselves and the way they tell their stories. In conflict with their husbands, friends, and each other, the girlfriends...
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