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48 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 48]
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Memories of Children's Cartoons
Memories of Children's Cartoons
Feminine Body Ideals in Teen Girl and Women Fashion Magazines and Instagram
Feminine Body Ideals in Teen Girl and Women Fashion Magazines and Instagram
When Political Narratives Entertain
When Political Narratives Entertain
Give Kids the World Cartoons
Give Kids the World Cartoons
Resisting the Civil-Rights Movement
Resisting the Civil-Rights Movement
Impact of Group Affirmation on Environmental Message Acceptance, Risk Perception and Behavioral Intention
Impact of Group Affirmation on Environmental Message Acceptance, Risk Perception and Behavioral Intention
Overwriting Literature and Other Acts of Cultural Terrorism in the Control Era
Overwriting Literature and Other Acts of Cultural Terrorism in the Control Era
"Mysteries" Behind The Adapted Story
"Mysteries" Behind The Adapted Story
Might Blaming the News Media Be Beneficial to Democracy?
Might Blaming the News Media Be Beneficial to Democracy?
Exploitation of Labor in College Football
Exploitation of Labor in College Football
Mood Management, Self-Transcendence, and Prosociality
Mood Management, Self-Transcendence, and Prosociality
Art of Adaptation through the Analysis of Stanley Kubrick Films
Art of Adaptation through the Analysis of Stanley Kubrick Films
Statistical Box-office Breakdown of Mainstream Cinema and an Analysis of the Trends          and Successes of the 21st Century Motion Picture Industry
Statistical Box-office Breakdown of Mainstream Cinema and an Analysis of the Trends and Successes of the 21st Century Motion Picture Industry
In Search of the Sublime
In Search of the Sublime
Miami Times
Miami Times
Fuck Everything
Fuck Everything
Objective-Building in User-Defined Worlds
Objective-Building in User-Defined Worlds
Space Babes
Space Babes
Video Game Cinematography
Video Game Cinematography
Becoming American
Becoming American
Pussy Willow
Pussy Willow
Art of Freak-Folk
Art of Freak-Folk
Role of Tradition in Northern Ireland's Print Media Coverage of the Twelfth Parades
Role of Tradition in Northern Ireland's Print Media Coverage of the Twelfth Parades
Cross-National and Cross-Document Analysis of Media and Policy Framing of Education for Displaced Persons in Canada and the United States
Cross-National and Cross-Document Analysis of Media and Policy Framing of Education for Displaced Persons in Canada and the United States
Longest Night, a feature screenplay set to music
Longest Night, a feature screenplay set to music
Reading the Wings Mid-Flight
Reading the Wings Mid-Flight
Copyright Royalty Board and the Public Interest
Copyright Royalty Board and the Public Interest
Exploring Creative Silhouettes Through Interdisciplinary Design Processes
Exploring Creative Silhouettes Through Interdisciplinary Design Processes
Student Body President Television Pilot Development
Student Body President Television Pilot Development
Media as a Site of Language Ideologies
Media as a Site of Language Ideologies
Evaluating Uses and Adoption of Media Innovations in Disaster Warnings
Evaluating Uses and Adoption of Media Innovations in Disaster Warnings
Watching with Virtual Crowds
Watching with Virtual Crowds
Ain't No Sunshine
Ain't No Sunshine
Inside the Echo Chamber
Inside the Echo Chamber
Art of Adaptation Through the Analysis of Stanley Kubrick Films
Art of Adaptation Through the Analysis of Stanley Kubrick Films
Are Journalists Still Deadnaming?
Are Journalists Still Deadnaming?
Agenda Setting in Your Inbox
Agenda Setting in Your Inbox
Interactive Illustrations of Obscure Animals
Interactive Illustrations of Obscure Animals
Political Economy of Media Labor
Political Economy of Media Labor
In Full Color and Twice Removed
In Full Color and Twice Removed
Meadowlark, a feature screenplay
Meadowlark, a feature screenplay
I Grew Up In Someone Else's Living Room
I Grew Up In Someone Else's Living Room
Dissecting Corporate Power in America
Dissecting Corporate Power in America
"Endless Space Between"
"Endless Space Between"
Visual Aesthetic of Contemporary Communication
Visual Aesthetic of Contemporary Communication